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Charith Dulanjan

From Sri Lanka

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Varuna Senevikumara

From Sri Lanka

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From Sri Lanka

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Sumanasiri Dodangoda

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prasantha manjula

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Nalin Erathna

From Sri Lanka

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Sugandika Jayasinghe

From Sri Lanka

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Nilupul Udara

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Nalin Erathna

From Sri Lanka

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Hasini Salgado

From Sri Lanka

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Kamal Wasantha

From Sri Lanka

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Inoka Cooray

From Sri Lanka

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From Sri Lanka

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prabhavi nelunika

From Sri Lanka

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Nalin Erathna

From Sri Lanka

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From Sri Lanka

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Sewwandi Liyanage

From Sri Lanka

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Inoka Priyadarshani

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Oasis Distributors

From Sri Lanka

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Hasini Salgado

From Sri Lanka

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Sewwandi Liyanage

From Sri Lanka

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Kamal Wasantha

From Sri Lanka

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Sugandika Jayasinghe

From Sri Lanka

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Prabhavi Manamperi

From Sri Lanka

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C R Chandrasena

From Sri Lanka

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Janeesha Wickramarathne

From Sri Lanka

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Chamila Kushan

From Sri Lanka

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Anura Bandara

From Sri Lanka

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Kanchana Dilrukshi

From Sri Lanka

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Welani Lasanthi

From Sri Lanka

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Dammika Rathnayaka

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Chethin Ayodya

From Sri Lanka

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SSwethaki Dinushika

From Sri Lanka

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Chintha Kumari

From Sri Lanka

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Lakshitha Madushan

From Sri Lanka

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Lasitha Sandeepa

From Sri Lanka

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Lahiru Jayanatha

From Sri Lanka

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Anona Priyadarshani

From Sri Lanka

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Prasantha Manjula

From Sri Lanka

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Shirani Samankumari

From Sri Lanka

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Nilanthi Kumarapperuma

From Sri Lanka

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Kudamaduwage Fernando

From Sri Lanka

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Manuja Pieris

From Sri Lanka

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Nilaksha Jayasekara

From Sri Lanka

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Surupi Subodani

From Sri Lanka

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P D T Surakshi Kularathna

From Sri Lanka

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manoj kumara

From Sri Lanka

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Maleesha Kavindi

From Sri Lanka

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Anosha Weerasiri

From Sri Lanka

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* Non-refundable.    Unleash the power of Dragon in Your Mind..........!          Have you ever thought about your life 5 or 10 years back? Have you ever thought about how your life would have been changed during past years? Flashback about your past lifespan and think what were your desires, dreams and who you wanted to be and want to be….. & think about whether you were able to fulfill your dreams and how dedicated you were to achieving your dreams? Some dreams might have been achieved and some might not. What’s the reason? The answer is the attraction of the mind to goals and dreams. Change It! Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. Regardless of age, nationality, or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you If you focus on negative doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud. If you focus 100% on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve, you will get a miracle way to achieve them with massive action. Lots of successors in the world are using the technique with awareness while most of them are trying to find the secret.  Once you master the art of the law of attraction to your advantage, your way of seeing the world will begin to transform. Miracles happen.  Let’s unleash your mind to convert your thought into a reality! Join hands with us …. Prepare yourself with... 01. 10 Things that you have achieved in your life. 02. 10 Things which you failed to achieve or still couldn't achieve. 03. 20 Things that you want to achieve within the next four years. (Bring 5 Magazines that contain the pics of what u want to achieve) 04. Install the “insight timer - meditation” app You will get notified date after 15 seats were booked * Add your WhatsApp number * Non-refundable. ..

Rs.6,500.00 Tax : Rs.6,500.00



From Sri Lanka

PRO AFFILIATE MARKETING Monthly Subscription Facility  Benefits- Sell any number / quantity of products on and earn a commission (Affiliate marketing facility)- Open your own online store (web shop) and list upto 5 products- Opportunity to rent out 100 shops (maximum) within 100 days and earn a monthly rental income of Rs 500,000.00Conditions- Valid for 30 days- Sell at least 5 products worth minimum 10 RBP (Rich Brother Points) from your own shop or buy products worth minimum 100 RBP per month to secure your monthly rental benefit - Non-refundable..

Rs.10,000.00 Tax : Rs.10,000.00



From Sri Lanka

Non Refundable ..

Rs.5,000.00 Tax : Rs.5,000.00



From Sri Lanka

Direct Shipper Course   NON Refundable..

Rs.39,999.00 Tax : Rs.39,999.00



From Sri Lanka

MISSION 2.5 BILLION  Distributors meet up  Date: 03/11/2022..

Rs.6,999.00 Tax : Rs.6,999.00



From Sri Lanka

Let's REFRESH your knowledge for 2023 with Mr.Charana NON-REFUNDABLE ..

Rs.2,000.00 Tax : Rs.2,000.00



From Sri Lanka

You are eligible to participate just after your participation to 100%  Program...

Rs.3,999.00 Tax : Rs.3,999.00



From Sri Lanka

Jack Canefield විසින් රචිත The success principle පොතේ සිංහල අනුවාදයයි සාර සිතක සොදුරු සවිය නමින් ඔබගේ අතට පත්වන්නේ. The item will be deliverd withing 3 to 4 working days of receiving the order...

Rs.680.00 Tax : Rs.680.00


Varuna Senevikumara

From Sri Lanka

ආචාර්ය ජෝසප් මර්ෆි ගේ " The Power of Subconscious Mind " නම් ජනප්‍රිය කෘතියේ සිංහල අනුවර්තනය, ප්‍රායෝගික මනෝ විදයාව හෙවත් යටිසිත ලෙසින් ඔබට ලැබෙන්නේ ඇත්තටම ජීවිතයට රුකුලක් වන අත්පොතකි. The item will be delivered withing 3 to 4 working days of receiving the order.  ..

Rs.880.00 Tax : Rs.880.00


Varuna Senevikumara

From Sri Lanka

එලීනර් එච් පෝටර් විසින් රචිත pollyana grows up කෘතියේ කොටස් දෙකක් වන අතර එහි පළමු කොටස සතුට බදන පොලියානා ලෙසින් ඔබගේ දෑතට මෙලෙස ලැබෙයි. The item will be delivered withing 3 to 4 working days of receiving the order...

Rs.900.00 Tax : Rs.900.00


Varuna Senevikumara

From Sri Lanka