Sugandika Jayasinghe
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Sugandika Jayasinghe
SJ Products
No.2B/106 L/A,National Housing ,Raddolugama .
An "About Me" page is one of the most important parts of your portfolio, website, or blog. This page is where prospective employers, potential clients, website users, and other professional and personal connections go to learn about who you are and what you do.1 It's an ideal resource for promoting your professional brand.
Company Name -SJ Products
Products - Butter Cake ,Chocolate Cake ,B'Day Cake, Cupcakes
An "About Me" page is one of the most important parts of your portfolio, website, or blog. This page is where prospective employers, potential clients, website users, and other professional and personal connections go to learn about who you are and what you do.1 It's an ideal resource for promoting your professional brand.